Asylum seekers CIJF is supporting

The first four months of 2023 have been eventful for the Colorado Immigrant Justice Fund and the asylum seekers we support! A few highlights include:


  • We have funded the asylum cases for 19 immigrants

  • Six of our clients are in Colorado, and 13 in remote and underserved areas of the California desert

  • They have fled to the US from Venezuela, Cameroon, Eritrea, Somalia, and Sudan.

  • Collectively, they have suffered from intense religious and political persecution, terrorism, imprisonment, torture, and the chaos of corrupt and cruel governments. 

  • Thirteen trials have been completed, 9 cases were won, 2 are being appealed, and one is not yet decided. 


Support for asylum seekers in Louisiana

Louisiana imprisons roughly 25% of all of the detained asylum seekers in the United States. 

There are 8 detention centers in the state - all of which are operated by private prison companies in rural, underserved areas of the state. With little or no local advocacy, some of the worst cases of immigrant abuse in US detention centers have been documented in Louisiana. 

We are in conversations with our friends at New Orleans-based Home is Here NOLA to expand legal services for asylum seekers in their state. We hope to share more details soon!


With hope and gratitude, 
Greg Mortimer, on behalf of the Colorado Immigrant Justice Fund team


CIJF partners with churches to welcome migrants to Denver


CIJF funds asylum case for Venezuelan family