Spotlight on one of our partners

Since launching our legal defense fund in 2020, we have corresponded with immigrants detained in 39 detention centers in 15 states who are in need of legal services to help them win asylum. Thus far, we have provided funding for immigrants detained in Colorado, California, and Louisiana. 

One of the immigration attorneys for whom we provide funding is Elizabeth Lopez with the Southern California Immigration Project. We encourage you to take 8 minutes and watch this video featuring Elizabeth’s work. If you are a CIJF donor, you will get a chance to meet some of the asylum seekers whose cases you helped to fund! 

Expanding on your generosity

We have heard from several non-profit experts that our work is ‘very fundable’, so we have started the process of becoming a nonprofit, a 501(c)(3). This in turn should increase the likelihood that foundations will donate to our work. If all goes well, we will obtain 501(c)(3) status later this year. 

We are profoundly grateful for the funding many of you have provided for our work.

Save the date!

We are in the early stages of planning our first CIJF event! We’ll share more details in the coming weeks, but mark your calendars for the evening of Saturday, August 27, when we hope to meet many of you in person, share immigrant stories, and celebrate our partnership with you. 

With hope and gratitude, 

Greg Mortimer on behalf of the Colorado Immigrant Justice Fund team


“Why I Volunteer with CIJF”


Why we started a legal defense fund