CIJF responds to migrants arriving in Denver
In November and December, busloads of migrants arrived in Denver - most being asylum seekers from Venezuela who recently arrived at the US/Mexico border.
In response to the need, the Colorado Immigrant Justice Fund team partnered with other nonprofits to welcome the migrants to our city. We have helped in two ways in particular:
In November, we met with a Venezuelan family of 5 who are seeking asylum. Because of the turmoil in their home country, the family had to flee, and none of their children could attend school for the last 2 years. We have provided initial legal guidance for them and are preparing to fund their asylum cases.
We hosted a legal aid clinic for 50 migrants who arrived in early December and are staying at the church I attend. Fifteen attorneys volunteered to provide a legal orientation for the migrants. We can likely either fund legal services for some of the migrants or match them with pro bono attorneys.
Wrap up 2022 with a Gift to CIJF!
We cannot sufficiently express our gratitude for the over 200 people and organizations who have donated to our work. If you are looking for a year-end giving opportunity, please consider donating to CIJF.
Thank you for all of your support!
With hope and gratitude,
Greg Mortimer, on behalf of the Colorado Immigrant Justice Fund team